> Information in English

Prof. Dr. Klaus Meier
Chair of Journalism Studies with a focus on innovation and transformation
Vice President for Studies and Teaching

School of Journalism
Catholic University Eichstaett-Ingolstadt
D-85072 Eichstaett, Germany
Ostenstr. 25
Fon ++49 / 8421 / 93-1562 or -1564

E-Mail: km@klaus-meier.net or klaus.meier[at]ku.de

Dr. Klaus Meier, * 1968, holds the chair for „Journalism Studies with a focus on innovation and transformation“ at the Catholic University Eichstaett-Ingolstadt (Germany). His research explores ethics and quality of journalism with a focus on innovations and transformation, transfer between science and practice, convergence, digital journalism and journalism education. Since July 2021, he has been Vice President for Studies and Teaching at KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. He is winner of the „Ars legendi“ award for excellent university teaching in 2017.

From 2009 to 2010 he was professor for cross-media journalism and media convergence at TU Dortmund University and from 2001 to 2009 professor of journalism studies at the University of Applied Sciences in Darmstadt, where he was head of the programmes “Online Journalism” (2003 to 2005) and “Science Journalism” (2005 to 2007) and dean of study in the faculty for media (2007 to 2008). From 1996 to 2001 he was research and teaching associate at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, where he earned a Dr. phil. in communication science.

One of his book publications is the text book „Journalistik“ (first 2007, 4. ed. 2018); he also edited „Journalismusforschung. Stand und Perspektiven“ („Journalism Research. Status and Prospects“) (first 2013, 3. ed. 2023) together with Christoph Neuberger and he published the books „Internet-Journalismus“ (first 1998, 3. ed. 2002), „Ressort, Sparte, Team“ (2002) and „Experten im Netz“ (1997). He has worked as a coach and consultant in about 40 workshops with several media and journalists in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Netherlands, Singapore and Bangkok. He is a former newspaper and television journalist (1989 to 1993).

2/2022 to 3/2024 he was president of the German Communication Association DGPuK and from 2018 to 2022 vice chair in the executive board. Together with José A. García Avilés and Andy Kaltenbrunner he is co-founder of the international network innovamedia.net. Since 2011 he is founding member and board member of Forum for Journalism and Media (fjum) in Vienna, a non-profit organization which fosters quality journalism through innovative advanced training. He was founding member of the editorial board of the journal Digital Journalism from 2012 to 2021.

Selected publications in English:

(2024) Innovations in Journalism. Comparative Research in Five European Countries. London: Taylor & Francis/Routledge. 2024 (edited together with Jose A. García-Avilés, Andy Kaltenbrunner, Colin Porlezza, Vinzenz Wyss, Renée Lugschitz, Korbinian Klinghardt). Open Access: http://doi.org/10.4324/9781032630410.

(2024) Innovations in Journalism as Complex Interplay: Supportive and Obstructive Factors in International Comparison. In: Media and Communication, 12, online first, Article 7443 (together with Michael Graßl, Jose Alberto García‐Avilés, Dámaso Mondejar, Andy Kaltenbrunner, Renée Lugschitz, Colin Porlezza, Petra Mazzoni, Vinzenz Wyss und Mirco Saner). https://doi.org/10.17645/mac.7443.

(2022) Examining the Most Relevant Journalism Innovations: A Comparative Analysis of Five European Countries from 2010 to 2020. In: journalism and media 3 (4), 698-714 (together with Jonas Schützeneder, José Alberto García Avilés, José María Valero-Pastor, Andy Kaltenbrunner, Renée Lugschitz, Colin Porlezza, Giulia Ferri, Vinzenz Wyss, and Mirco Saner). https://doi.org/10.3390/journalmedia3040046.

(2022) Artificial intelligence as a tool of assistance. A scientific and practical perspective on AI in journalism. In: Journalistik, 5 (1), 3-24 (together with Michael Graßl und Jonas Schützeneder) (DOI: 10.1453/2569-152X-12022-12049-en).

(2021) Journalism Innovation Labs 2.0 in Media Organisations: A Motor for Transformation and Constant Learning. In: journalism and media, 2 (3), 361-378 (together with Isabell Hogh-Janovsky) (DOI: 10.3390/journalmedia2030022).

(2019) Quality in Journalism. In: Tim P. Vos/Folker Hanusch (Hg.): The International Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies. The official encyclopedia of the International Communication Association (ICA). Wiley Blackwell. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781118841570.iejs0041.

(2019) Bridging the Gaps: Transfer Between Scholarly Research and Newsrooms in Journalism Education—Toward an Evidence-Based Practice in an Age of Post-Truth and State of Flux. In: Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, 74 (2), 199–211, (online first 15. Feb 2019), https://doi.org/10.1177/1077695819830021 (together with Jonas Schützeneder). If you do not have access: For the full paper, please send me a mail. 

(2018) Audience Engagement in a Post-Truth Age. What it means and how to learn the activities connected with it. In: Digital Journalism, 6 (8), 1052-1063 (online first, 25 September 2018) (together with Daniela Kraus und Edith Michaeler) (DOI: 10.1080/21670811.2018.1498295). If you do not have access: For the full paper, please send me a mail or use this link, which provides some free eprints: https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/zvKe58EtVWEJdvqYMNay/full.

(2018) Journalism meets games: Newsgames as a new digital genre. Theory, boundaries, utilisation. In: Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies, 7 (2), 429-444 (https://doi.org/10.1386/ajms.7.2.429_1).

(2018) How does the audience respond to constructive journalism? Two experiments with multifaceted results. In: Journalism Practice, 12 (6), 764-780. Online first, 10 May 2018. https://doi.org/10.1080/17512786.2018.1470472. If you do not have access: For the full paper, please send me a mail or use this link, which provides some free  eprints: https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/fXizRdmtveSrsSJznzv8/full

(2017) Audience Engagement. An unprecedented variety for newsrooms and the training of journalists. In: Andy Kaltenbrunner/Matthias Karmasin/Daniela Kraus (ed.): Journalism Report V. Innovation and Transition. Wien: Facultas, pp. 71-85 (together with Daniela Kraus, Edith Michaeler and Florian Reiter).

(2017) Technological innovation and convergent journalism. Case study on the transformation process of Bavaria’s public broadcasting service. In: Revista Mediterránea de Comunicación / Mediterranean Journal of Communication, 8 (1), 33-44 (together with Isabel Bracker and Melanie Verhovnik) (DOI: 10.14198/MEDCOM2017.8.1.3).

 (2017) Converged media content: Reshaping the ‘legacy’ of legacy media in the online scenario. In: Bob Franklin/Scott A. Eldridge II (Hg.): The Routledge Companion to Digital Journalism Studies. London/New York: Routledge, S. 449-458 (together with José A. García-Avilés und Andy Kaltenbrunner).

(2014) Media Convergence Revisited. Lessons learned on newsroom integration in Austria, Germany and Spain. In: Journalism Practice (Routledge, London), 28 Feb, online first, Free abstract (together with José A. García Avilés and Andy Kaltenbrunner). For the full paper, please send me a mail.

(2013) Convergent Journalism – Newsrooms, Routines, Job Profiles and Training, in: Sandra Diehl and Matthias Karmasin (eds.): Media and Convergence Management. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer, 285-298 (together with Andy Kaltenbrunner).

(2009) Newsroom Integration in Austria, Spain and Germany: Models of Media Convergence. In: Journalism Practice (Routledge, London), 3 (3) 2009, 285-303 Free abstract (together with José A. García Avilés, Miguel Carvajal, Andy Kaltenbrunner, Daniela Kraus). For the full paper, please send me a mail.

(2009) Germany: Newsroom innovations and newsroom convergence, in: Natascha Fioretti and Stephan Ruß-Mohl (eds.): Merging Media, Converging Newsrooms. Lugano/Milano: Casagrande, 37-49.

(2007/08) Our „IFRA Special Report“ on „Cross-media newsrooms in Germany“ has been translated into English. If you wish a pdf, please let me know.

(2007) Innovations in Central European Newsrooms. Overview and case study, in: Journalism Practice (Routledge, London), 1 (1) 2007, 4-19. Free abstract. For the full paper, please send me a mail.

Papers at international conferences:

Cardiff, September 14 – 15, 2017: „Audience Engagement in a Post-Truth Age. What it means and how to learn the activities connected with it“. Conference „The Future of Journalism“ (together with Daniela Kraus and Edith Michaeler).

Winterthur, February 5 – 6, 2015: „The role of norms and normativity in the re-invention of journalism“. Paper/Workshop together with Wolfgang Donsbach and Annika Sehl, conference „Re-inventing journalism“ of the Journalism Studies Sections of DGPuK, Ecrea und SGKM.

Cardiff, September 12 – 13, 2013: „Media convergence revisited: lessons learned on newsroom integration in Austria, Germany and Spain“. Conference „The Future of Journalism“ (together with José A. García Avilés and Andy Kaltenbrunner).

Vienna, March 18 – 20, 2010: „Trust and Transparency“. Conference „Journalism 2020„.

Zürich/Winterthur, November 19 – 21, 2009: „Journalism Research as Interactive Innovation Research“. Conference „Journalism Research in the Public Interest“ of the Journalism Studies Sections of ECREA, SGKM and DGPuK, supported by the Journalism Studies Divisions of ICA and IAMCR.

Cardiff, September 9 – 10, 2009: „Transparency in Journalism: Credibility and trustworthiness in the digital future“. Conference „The Future of Journalism“.

Elche/Alicante, April 29 – 30, 2009: „La reinvención del „periodismo transparente“ en la era digital“. Conference „Jornadas del Periodismo“ at the Universidad Miguel Hernández.

Barcelona, November 25 – 28, 2008: Our panel „Media convergence in Europe“ is accepted for the conference 2nd European Communication Conference – focusing on Communication Policies and Culture in Europe of ECREA (European Communication Research and Education Association).

Madrid, October 3 – 7, 2008: Conference of the Inter American Press Association (IAPA)/Sociedad Interamericana de Prensa (SIP). Some participants of the seminar „In search of new readers. Audiences’ tastes have changed. New technologies for new audiences. Social networks and blogs.” wished to download my presentation. Here it is: The changing relationship between journalists and their audiences: Drifting together or drifting apart? As a consequence I appeal for more authenticity through transparency („open the windows and the drawbridge of the fortress newsroom”).

Lugano, May 1, 2008: Annual DGPuK conference „Identity and plurality in the Sciences of Communication“. Presentation „Newsroom Convergence. New models of newspapers’ editorial organization – an international comparison“ (together with José A. García Avilés, Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche, Spain, and Andy Kaltenbrunner, Medienhaus Wien, Austria).

Luzern, March 7/8, 2008: Conference „Merging Media, Converging Newsrooms“. Presentation in the panel „Total Symbiosis or the End of Serios Journalism? The Multi-Channel-Cross-Media-Newsroom“.

„Journalistic story-telling with online multimedia. Challenges, quality criteria, training“. Symposium „New competencies for production and consumption of computer-based media“ to start the new course programme „Computer Mediated Communication“ at Roskilde University, Denmark, Mai 10 to 12th, 2000  (Manuskript).

For more information, please send me a mail.

7 Gedanken zu „> Information in English

  1. Dear Professor

    I am Stepanus Bo’do‘, from Indonesia. Being interested in Online Media for several years during my study and now as academic staff in Communication Departement of Tadulako University, i am very interested in your writing.
    This last decade witnesses the transformation of news media following the arrival and widespread of electronic and digital technology such as the internet. Research for my previous thesis in 2005 [Interactivity and Online Newspaper in Indonesia] discovers the various new forms tools for news media to maintain interaction with theirs active audiences. Internet have create new forms of ways news are being circulated, from electronic version of the more conventional media to blogs to mailing list, and now, to news sharing via facebooks, multiplys and other social networking medias.



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