Drei Jahre Forschung mit 20 Kolleginnen und Kollegen aus fünf Ländern: Unser finales Buch ist jetzt Open Access (also kostenlos für alle) beim renommierten Verlag Taylor&Francis online erschienen. Es steht alles drin, was wir zu Innovationen im Journalismus herausgefunden und analysiert haben. Zum Beispiel zu den Typen von Innovationen, zu hemmenden und fördernden Faktoren und zum Zusammenhang mit den Aufgaben des Journalismus in der Demokratie. Und vielen, vielen Beispielen aus der Praxis.
Hier der Link: https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/oa-edit/10.4324/9781032630410
Ein ganz kurze Zusammenfassung: This volume explores innovations in journalism: the goals and expectations associated with them, promoting and hindering framework conditions, and their social and industrial impact. Drawing on an international research project conducted in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Spain, and the United Kingdom, the book takes a complex approach, considering media policy preconditions and the social impact of journalistic innovation from a comparative perspective. The key findings are examined and presented on different levels: theoretical, methodological, and – as the focus – empirical.
Having identified the most relevant innovations in each of the five countries, a total of 100 case studies are examined to explore the influence of these innovations on the quality of journalism and its normative role in democratic societies and to analyze which preconditions support or inhibit the development and implementation of the innovations in news organizations. The interdependencies between journalistic innovations and their media policy preconditions are compared in a system-analytical way – concluding with the lessons that can be learned from the macrolevel (policies) and the mesolevel (organizations).
This insightful and truly international volume will interest professionals, scholars and students of journalism, media and communication studies, media industry studies, and related fields.